Thursday, November 16, 2006

Slagging Normal

Word count: 36707
Words to go: 13293
Percent complete: 73%

Charlie had a revelation while taking a bath, so I figured I'd take one too. Turned out to be a decent idea. Was able to work out a timeline of events of the story. Should probably write it down somewhere......Okay, that's better.

The Bloomington-Normal Area Convention & Visitors Bureau will tell you that the Bloomington-Normal area has endless amounts of attractions including historical and artistic sites, sporting and cultural events and boundless opportunities for small and large business alike. This is bullshit and should not be believed. Bloomington-Normal is a shithole and like all metropolitan shitholes, it is attempting to pull the wool over your eyes with pretty talk of being the fastest growing area in Illinois and a wonderful place to live. They all say the same things – pick Parumph, Nevada; Aberdeen, Maryland; or Derby, Kansas. It doesn’t matter much which one you choose, they’ll all tell you that they’re a wonderful place to be, a fast growing community, a safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of the big, mean cities. It’s all crap. It’s all marketing and deception. Don’t believe their hype.


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